SEG Form Landing Page

Step 1 of 2

A few things we will need in order to process your SEG application:

– A micro-generation certificate. This will be given to you by the installer of the solar panels or if you have purchased a house with panels already installed, this should be within your sales pack
– Proof of ownership. A copy of invoice in your name if you have had the solar panels installed. A letter from solicitor or fixtures and fittings list if you have purchased the property
– Proof from the Distribution Network Operator that they have been made aware of the solar panel installation. This is known as a G83/G98 form and should have been given to you by the installer or in the sales pack if you have purchased the property
– The original SEG generator passed away and I am the executor of the will. If this is the case, we will need a copy of the will and proof that you are the executor and therefore legally entitled to transfer ownership of the solar panels into your name

Your next steps:

– Read the Terms and Conditions for Rebel Energy SEG tariffs
– Gather all the required documents together and either scan them to your computer if are emailing the application or get them ready for posting
– Complete the application form, remember to sign
– Send us the application form and leave the rest to us

What happens if I miss some documents?

– We can only pay SEG tariff from the date we receive your completed application form and the required documents. We cannot back date the tariff
– We need all the requested documents in order to process your SEG application. This is a requirement from the Regulator. We have to carry out checks to ensure your solar panel array is eligible to receive the SEG payments.