These are difficult times for everyone and some more than others may be struggling to afford their energy bills. Often customers find it difficult to ask for help and in some cases customers want to help those most in need. That’s why we have teamed up with Fuelbank.
Fuel bank Foundation is the only national charity whose sole focus is to provide immediate, tangible, meaningful and long-lasting help to people living in fuel crisis.
Their vision like ours is everyone has access to energy for heating and eating.
Fuelbank work with over 350 organisations to identify those households that are genuinely in fuel crisis. These include selected food banks, charities, social housing providers and advice agencies.
If you are a customers who is struggling with the current fuel crisis or indeed would like to help those who are please click on the links below to get further help or to donate / contribute.
To get help please click on https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/energy/ who will be able to assist you and provide you local support via Fuelbank.
To donate to those in need please click on https://www.fuelbankfoundation.org