It’s tough times for the energy market right now, but here at Rebel we’re keeping the proverbial fires burning thanks to another successful funding round with our amazing team of investors.
That means we can spend the winter focusing on what matters – building a sustainable, profitable business capable of weathering whatever storm the markets bring. We’ll be perfecting our automation, our tech systems and customer platforms to ensure we’re in the best possible shape for launch. And that will be the real test, because the quicker we can scale-up, the quicker we can begin the real work of helping the fuel-poor.
Let’s face it, this winter is going to be really tough for those who are hard-up. With prices spiralling out of control, it’s not just energy suppliers struggling to stay afloat – the 1 in 10 UK households living in fuel poverty will experience rising debts, which means families cutting corners and children going hungry. With increasing the pressure to self-disconnect, we’ll see more respiratory illnesses and cold-weather deaths, particularly among the elderly who are most at risk.
We think there’s never been a more important time to be a Rebel, and supporting an ethical supplier like ours means being part of a movement for change. We believe that change is worth it and we hope you do too.
Sign-up for our waiting list now to stay abreast of our plans for launch. When we kick-off in the new year, you’ll be the first to know. For any questions in the meantime, drop us a line at, we’d love to hear from you.