We’re living in unprecedented times, there’s no doubt about that. The threat of climate change, recognised as a real risk, has been surpassed by the very real presence of Covid-19. But with all this uncertainty, it also feels like we’re at a crossroads, and that the concept of the ‘new normal’ presents us with a fantastic opportunity. The Ancient Greek’s had two different words for time – Chronos which means chronological or sequential time – and Kairos, meaning the right or opportune time for action.
For us here at Rebel, this feels like a Kairos moment. A moment when we all stop, look at where we are, and what has come before, and seize the opportunity to make a difference. We see the light at the end of the tunnel and the promise of change. We all have a choice to make – do we look to the future with positivity, with the promise of transformation, or do we look back at the past?
For us, it’s a no brainer. We want to shift the dial – to tackle the climate crisis head on, to build resilient communities, and to create a business that demonstrates to all that we can be a positive force for change. The last few months have shown us that community is more important than ever – we’ve been supported and sheltered by our neighbours and society around us. So how do we turn that into a permanent force for good?
We are creating a company which supports people out of fuel poverty and that helps the long-term unemployed back into work. We don’t believe in big bonuses or fat cat salaries, but profits that are built on doing the right thing, that can help to fight the climate crisis and that supports our local communities.
This is our Kairos moment – a once in a generation time to rebel against the way things are currently being done, to do things differently, and to change the way we do business forever.
We’re a Rebel with a cause, creating Energy that makes a difference. Come and join our Rebellion.

CEO and Founder of Rebel Energy